Sultry Makeup Tips

sultry makeup tip

It’s nice to fancy up your look once in a while. Aside from trying a new outfit, trying sultry makeup can be great way to spice up your look. A sultry makeup look doesn’t have to be dramatic, it can be subtle and simple yet sexy! Here’s our easy sultry makeup tips

Apply eye primer

It is advisable always apply primer underneath your eyeshadow. This will create a smooth base and make our eye makeup last longer. This will prevent your makeup from creasing. Primer draws the line between a gorgeous smoky eye makeup and raccoon eyes!

Use a pencil liner as a guide for tricky liquid liners.

Wiggled eyeliner is one the sure ways to achieve sultry makeup. The best way to create wiggled eyeliner is by using liquid eyeliner. Liquid eyeliner lasts longer but it also takes longer to use. If your hand isn’t steady enough for liquid eyeliner, line your eyes first with a pencil liner, and then trace over it with liquid.

Smoky eyes

Smokey eyes is equal to sultry makeup. If you prefer soft and subtle or bolder eye makeup, you can simply apply a black eyeliner as a base, the smudge the pencil all over the lid. Once complete, add the eye shadow and blend.

Sexy lashes

Complete your eye makeup by pumping your eye lashes.  Long and curled eye lashes make the eyes look pretty, sexy and more feminine. Curl the lashes with an eyelash curler, gently bend at the base of the lash and holding for a few seconds, then gently walking it out to the end of the lashes. Don’t forget to apply your 3D Fiber Lash Mascara. Place the wand deep into the base of the lashes, wiggling it in left to right.

Wear red lipstick

A red lip can transform your look if done right! Red lipstick can brighten any face with the right shade as it looks great on all women. It’s glamorous and sexy and will definitely add more sultriness to your look.

Fill your eyebrows

Brows can make or break a face. That is why it is important to fill them. Fuller eyebrows will make you look fresher and younger. But remember to not over-do it, just follow your natural arch. A well-shaped eyebrows shape your face and make your eyes stand out.


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