How to Make Lashes Longer and Fuller

Don’t you just hate it when your lashes fall off? There are many factors that lead to eyelash breakage and shedding, but there are things you can do to avoid breakage and to make your lashes longer. If you want to make your lashes longer, thicker, and fuller, you might want to read this.

Proper Care

To get a perfect, healthy looking eyelashes, you must take care of your eyes. Always keep your eyes clean. Remember to take off your makeup and clean your eyes every time before you go to bed, never sleep with your make up on

Comb your eye lashes.

There are actually small little combs that you can use to brush your eyelashes out before you put on your mascara. Combing your lashes regularly and gently you can make them grow a little longer.

Apply petroleum jelly

Use a cotton stick or mascara brush and apply a swipe of Vaseline on your eyelid before you go to bed. It will make your lashes longer and thicker. You have to wait for the results but it will make a noticeable change.

Try Olive Oil

Like petroleum jelly, olive oil works wonder too. Apply olive oil to your lashes. This will help them grow longer and stronger. This is one of the best home remedies to get long eyelashes.

Trim Your Eyelashes

Try to trim your lashes once every two to three months. Just trim a small part about 1/4. Trimming your lashes will stimulate the follicle of your eyelashes and makes them grow faster. Just be very careful when you do it.

Take Vitamin E

Vitamin E supplements are not just great for your skin but also for your lashes. Make a routine of taking one on a daily basis. Vitamin E lotion also helps to increase your lashes to its maximum growth.

Healthy food

Your natural growth of hair has a lot to do with your diet. If you have a bad diet then you will notice that your body will not support to the growths properly. Your eyelashes will not increase enough too. Increase your healthy food such as fruits and veggies.

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