Care Tips for Your Lashes


Having long, gorgeous eye lashes is surely included in your beauty check list. You do everything, from false lashes, perming to lashes extension Since your lashes is one of your important assets it is just right to take care of them. Keep in mind that eye lash care is as important as hair care. There are things you can do to make your lashes healthy and appear longer. Follow these care tips for your lashes

Remove your eye makeup thoroughly and gently

Makeup can clog the skin around the eyes which is very thin already. Removing your makeup gives your skin and your lashes the rest that they deserve. Be sure to do it gently as your eyes and lashes are one the most delicate parts of your face.

Moisture it regularly

Regularly apply pure petroleum jelly to your lashes as this makes them thicker and stronger. Moisturizing your eyelashes does not only prevent them from breakage but it can also help then to grow faster.

Apply green tea

As you know green tea has a lot of health benefits and this includes making your lashes look fuller. Green tea promotes healthy lash growth and makes them longer, thicker and stronger. Simply add green tea leaves to warm water and then apply it to your eye lashes.

Choose your mascara carefully

You need to be careful when choosing your makeup especially the ones you use on your eyes. Read the label, be sure the ingredients are safe and won’t harm your lashes.

Be gentle with your lashes

Avoid rubbing your eyes not only this can irritate your eyes but it can also lead to pulling and breaking your lashes. If your eyes feel itchy then try to pat them gently with your finger. When using eye lashes curler, be sure to use it gently. Don’t use it too often as this may also cause your lashes to break.

Eat healthy

Your choice of food affects your health and physical appearance. If you want to look good, you need to eat right.

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