Ways to Draw Attention to Your Eyes

Ways to Draw Attention to your Eyes

Eye makeup do not simply make your eyes look bigger, it can also add drama and draw attention to your eyes. If you’re looking ways to highlight your eyes, try these ways to draw attention to your eyes

Keep your eyebrows well-groomed. Pluck or wax your brows to keep them neat and tidy to make sure that your eyes are the center of attention and not your brows! You might also want to keep your eyebrows bold. Bold brows accentuate your eye area and give your eyes the illusion being larger.

Apply eyeliner to your lower lids. One of the easiest ways to make your eyes stand out and look bigger is to apply liner to your lower lids. Use white or light shimmery effect liner, the shimmer will open up your eyes and make them stand out.  Avoid applying black eyeliner there, as it tends to make your eyes appear smaller

Curl your lashes.  Curling your eye lashes opens up your eyes and makes them look bigger. But be sure to use good lash curler, and gently squeeze when using them to avoid damaging your lashes.

Choose light color eyeshadow.  Dark colors on your eyes, as this is almost guaranteed way to make them look smaller. Ditch the dark and head towards the light for larger looking eyes.

Choose the right eye shadow based on your eye color. If your eyes are brown, use navy blue shadow to really make them stand out. If your eyes are green, try a purple shadow such as lavender, violet or amethyst.For blue eyes try a warm copper, bronze, gold, or rich brown eye shadow to enhance the color.

Concealer is another great beauty tool that can make your eyes stand out. It hides dark bags under your eyes and helps highlight your eyes.

Use 3D Fiber Mascara. A great to draw attention to your eyes is to frame them with lush lashes. Pump up your lashes, use 3D Fiber Mascara. This increase your lashes up to 300x!

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