Lashes Care Tips: Rules of Luscious Lashes


Rules of luscious lashes

Gorgeous lashes start with strong, healthy ones. If you want longer and thicker lashes, take care of them and follow these simple rules of luscious lashes:

Remove your makeup thoroughly before going to bed

This first tip is pretty obvious, but sure some of us are guilty of forgetting this. Remember to take off your makeup before you go to sleep. This is very important. Leaving mascara or any eye makeup on can cause your lashes to fall out prematurely, which is a big setback if you want healthy lashes.

Use curler gently

Curler will make your eye lashes look more fabulous. But be very careful not to squeeze very hard when you use it. If you feel a tugging sensation on the roots of your lashes, stop! Doing this will pull out a few lashes as they can curl them.

Condition them

Like your hair, your lashes (and eyebrows) need some TLC for them to look nice. Use a clean mascara wand, and smooth some petroleum jelly or castor oil over your eyelashes. This will work as a deep conditioner, and will make the lashes themselves look fuller and even grow longer.

Brush them

Use a clean mascara wand and gently run it through your lashes a few times in the morning. Brushing your lashes will separate the follicles and give the appearance of a fuller lash line. In the same way that disentangling your hair makes it look healthier, brushing your eyelashes will add a bit of natural flair to them

Stop rubbing your eyes

Rubbing your eyes too roughly can pull on the roots of your eyelashes, and they’ll fall out. Plus it can also irritate your eyes. If your eyes are itchy, try gently patting or massaging the area.

Avoid fake lashes and extensions

Falsies and extensions are amazing and they can make your eye pop. However, they are not the safest makeup tool. The glue used to put the fake lashes and extensions can hurt your real ones by making them stick together or pulling on them as you remove the fake ones. The glue may also contain harmful chemicals that can harm your eyes

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