Mascara Tips for Sensitive Eyes


Mascara Tips for sensitive eyes

Did you know that women are more prone to eye disease and irritation than men? Perhaps it’s because most women apply eye makeup every day. Numbers of women have dermatitis or allergies because of makeup, particularly the mascara because it gets closest to the eyes. If you have sensitive eyes, don’t worry there are things you can do to avoid irritation or infection. Follow these mascara tips for sensitive eyes.

Try it on your skin first

Before applying the mascara to your lashes, try it out on your inner forearm.  Cover it with a piece of tape or adhesive bandage and check again at the end of the day. If you don’t notice any redness or experience itchiness, then you can use your mascara on your lashes.

Choose black mascara

Brown, blue or other color of mascara contains dyes and these dyes used in colored formulas may irritate sensitive types. So it’s better to stick to black mascaras.

Check expiry dates

All makeup has expiration dates. Makeup should not be used beyond their expiration date. Your mascara, in particular, should be replaced every three to six months or thrown immediately if you develop an eye infection while using it.

Avoid waterproof.

Waterproof formulas are harder to remove, which means your sensitive eyes and skin don’t get a break. Plus waterproof mascara contains strong chemicals that may irritate your eyes.

Take it off thoroughly

Makeup removal is a huge priority for those with sensitive eyes. Not removing your mascara thoroughly before going to bed may cause blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid that leads to a gritty sensation and tearing.

Ignore the beauty insiders.

Avoid applying your mascara too close to the lash line.  Although, it opens up your eyes and make them more attractive, you should also avoid the base of the lashes and the lower lash line to avoid getting a bacterial eye infection.

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