Do Eyelashes Grow Back? Ways to Grow Your Lashes

ways to grow your lashes back

Do Eyelashes Grow Back?

The answer is yes, eyelashes grow back when they fall off. As a matter of fact, the falling off and growing back of lashes is very natural. Also, eyelashes fall off can also be caused by incorrect usage an eyelash curler, makeup irritation or medical condition.

While the falling off and growing back of eyelashes is normal, keep in mind that sudden and severe loss of your lashes may be a sign of an underlying health problem such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and alopecia.

What can you do to grow your lashes back?

First, consult your doctor if you are experiencing severe lashes loss. If you’re lashes fall off every now and then. There are many ways you can do to grow your lashes, here are some effective ways how.

Brushing Your Eyelashes Frequently

The simple act of brushing your eyelashes at least twice daily can accelerate their growth and allow them to become thicker. Also, brushing your eyelashes frequently softens and thickens them and eliminates dirt and other particles that may clog pores that makes it difficult for hair to grow.

Massage your eyelid with Olive Oil

Massaging your eyelashes at least twice a day improves blood flow and allows nutrients to reach the hair follicles. The better the blood flow, the faster the hair growth and the less the thinning and breaking of eyelashes. To make your lashes grow faster, use olive oil to massage it. Olive oil contains vitamin E and oleic acid, both of which add volume to eyelashes as well as nourish damaged lashes.

Use growth serum

If you want fast results, try Lash Science Lash & Brow Growth Serum. Using it frequently and consistently will make your lashes thicker and healthier lashes in just 3 weeks. Powered by pentapeptides– natural rejuvenation compounds- this formula leaves lashes full and soft. It is free of harsh chemicals and sulfates making it safe for contact lens wearers and sensitive eyes.

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